A rally for the GOP’s presidential candidate front-runner turned violent today at a gathering in Dayton, Ohio, just a day after raucous protests in Chicago that led to the cancellation of a planned event yesterday. The disruption seemed like an organized protest by a small group of people intent in creating chaos, and not by Trump supporters.
Immediately after Trump told a protester to, "Go back home to mommy," screams erupted from behind Trump's podium, leading to four security members to jump onstage to protect the White House hopeful.
Today’s incident is the latest in an escalating number of protests and violent outbursts to take place at rallies for Donald Trump. But it all seems like a concerted effort to disrupt his rallies and subsequently his lead. The problem being that Trump’s supporters are passionate and could care less for political correctness. They are angry, and when the protesters arrive screaming or chanting what would go untouched at a Clinton or Sanders event, here is met head on.
Trump continues to deny culpability for the reported volatile atmosphere at his gatherings, defending Friday night's canceled rally by Tweeting on Saturday that, "The organized group of people, many of them thugs, who shut down our First Amendment rights in Chicago, have totally energized America!" Which is completely true. Many American’s feel that political correctness is killing this country, and that movements such as the racially divisive “black lives matter’ is a perfect example. Because why shouldn’t “all” lives matter?
During last week's Republican CNN debate, debate moderator Jake Tapper confronted the GOP front-runner over recent controversial comments he has made during his massive gatherings.
Tapper noted that Trump has said, "I'd like to punch him in the face," referring to a protester. "February 27: 'In the good ol' days, they'd have ripped him out of that seat so fast.' February 1: 'Knock the crap out of him, would you? Seriously, OK just knock the hell — I promise you I will pay for the legal fees. I promise, I promise,'" Tapper said, quoting Trump's previous comments. The billionaire business man responded by calling the protesters, "Bad dudes." "They have done bad things. They are swinging, they are really dangerous, and they get in there, they start hitting people," Trump said.
It seems that Trump’s campaign is igniting many who feel they have been betrayed and who have stayed quiet for far too long. The fact is people are sick and tired of politics as usual, and as they say, things will only get worse before getting better.
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