The place for politics from Hudson County, NJ and throughout the United States of America

Monday, March 26, 2018

Can Rivas beat Sires for Congress?

The Rumor mill at work...
After over a decade of being a Union City Commissioner, Tilo Rivas called it quits, leaving some heads scratching.  But wait, he will continue serving as Hudson County Freeholder AND being part of the Stack formidable political machine.
Shortly after the Rivas announcement by Stack, hundreds of volunteers were hitting the pavement getting petitions signed for Rivas' posible run for Congress.  What does this mean?  By possibly squaring Rivas up against sitting Congressman Albio Sires, who’s on the ballot in June, the Hudson County political war is sure to intensify.
Hudson County Executive Tom DeGise and Sires are buddies, two Hudson County Democratic Organization (HCDO) long-time members with close ties.  Is the County Organization heading towards a civil war?
When Stack and Jersey City Mayor Steven Fulop announced that they would not support DeGise for re-election, many eyebrows were raised.   But when petitions for Rivas began to be circulated, many hearts must have skipped.  Sires for one must be weighing his options; Mayor Turner from Weehawken, a Sire’s protege, must be trying to sort things out; as for North Bergen Mayor Nick Sacco… not going to speculate.
Can Rivas beat Sires?  One on one, no way.  But with Stack’s monumental get-out-the-vote power supreme… maybe.

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